Monthly Archive: November, 2012

Sedra VaYishLach, 120 Words. Stolen Blessings, Dignity

YaAkov Avinu, engages in battle with a stranger. [32:25] Although YaAkov is injured, he grasps his opponent who begs to be released. YaAkov makes a deal, extracting a blessing in exchange. But it… Continue reading

Sedra VaYeTse, 120 Words, Achdus – Unity

Gd promotes peace amongst stones. He wants them not to bicker over who will be closest to Yakov’s Head. Gd intervenes. A miracle – Many stones fuse into a single stone. [Rashi 28:11]… Continue reading

Sedra Toldos, 120 Words – Perfection from Imperfection

Yakov was not perfect. He was pleased to find a pretext to deny Eisav the opportunity to become a better person. [Rashi 32:23] For this he was punished. There was no need for Yakov… Continue reading

Sedra Chaye Sara, 120 Words

It’s nice to get a blessing for success and assurances that Gd will assist fulfil ones task. So why does Abraham not offer his blessing [24:7] to Eliezer when he FIRST charges him… Continue reading

Sedra YaYeRa, 120 Words

Sara laughed to herself upon hearing a blessing that she, at an advanced age, would give birth to a son. Gd is displeased by this. Gd is capable of all things and Sara… Continue reading